דלג לתוכן הדף
דלג לתוכן הדף

Terms and Conditions

The use of this website of Menora Mivtachim Group (hereinafter: the "website") is subject to the terms specified below. The use of the website should be considered as your agreement to all terms of use. The website provides information about the group's products, including insurance and savings, pensions and provident funds, finance and credit products ("the products" and "services") and even enables to carry out various operations related to them. It is possible that certain products or services are subject to additional instructions and/or rules that will appear on the website next to the relevant product or service, but they do not derogate from what is stated in this document. In the event of a contradiction, the specific conditions for each product or service should prevail.


Menora Mivtachim Group, or "the Group", includes Menora Mivtachim Holdings Ltd. and all the companies under its control, as they may be from time to time, including (but not excluding) Menora Mivtachim Insurance Ltd., Menora Mivtachim Pension and Gemel Ltd. and Menora Mivtachim and the Association of Engineers' Provident Funds Management Ltd.



1. Whatever is stated in these terms of use applies to any product and/or information and/or service and/or any other content, of any kind and type displayed on the website and/or related to it in any format, including the format displayed on the mobile phone device or on any other end device ("Content " or "Contents").

2. The use of the contents is personal and not allowed to be transferred. You are not entitled to transfer and/or assign or impede your rights in accordance with this document without the prior written consent of Menora Insurance Group.

3. The Group is entitled to transfer and/or assign and/or impede its rights and/or the provision of services on the website to any other party, without the obligation to issue an advance notice.

Use of the website:
4. You undertake to browse the website in accordance with any law and not to carry out any intrusion and/or disruption and/or assist in such actions. For your information, intrusion into the site's computer systems constitutes a criminal offense.

5. You undertake not to use the website and its contents for purposes other than those for which the website was intended, for purposes prohibited by the terms of use of the website and for illegal purposes. Without detracting from the generality of the above, you undertake not to use the website and its contents, upload to the website, retrieve, transmit, distribute or publish information or other material -
(a)  That may limit or prevent others from using the website, 
(b)  That may harm the website.
(c)  That is prohibited for publication or use, or that constitutes a threat, harm, insult, slander / defamation, pornography or other offensive expression.
(d)  That may encourage, induce, incite or assist other parties to commit an act prohibited by law or that may result in the burden of legal liability.
(e)  That may infringe the rights of other parties, including intellectual property rights, copyrights, patents, privacy rights and/or any other proprietary right.
(f)  That may violate the provisions of this document, unless you have been given permission to do so in advance and in writing by the Group.
(g)  That may detract from the Group's rights.
(h)  That includes a virus or other software that may damage the computer software.
(i)  That includes advertising of any kind without the express prior written consent of Menora Mivtachim Group.

6. No failure to take action by the Group regarding the protection of its rights in relation to the contents should constitute a waiver on its part of any right it owns by any law.

7. No use of the website's content for the user's commercial purposes, such as marketing operations, sales promotion, advertisements, etc., should be made without the Group's express prior written consent.


8. Without detracting from any remedy to which it is entitled, Menora Mivtachim is entitled, immediately and without any prior notice, to prevent access to a user who has acted in violation of the website's terms of use. In addition, Menora Mivtachim is entitled to stop providing the products or services and to cancel the access permission granted to you to the website at its discretion, at any time and for any reason without the need for a prior notice.

9. Menora Mivtachim Group cannot monitor any information and message uploaded to the website by other users. Without detracting from the foregoing, Menora Mivtachim Group reserves the right to disclose to others at any time any information that may be required of it by any law, as well as reserves its right to edit, remove and refuse to upload to the website any information and message that, at the sole discretion of Menora Mivtachim Group, is clearly harmful or violates any condition from the website's terms of use.


By uploading information / documents to the website, you grant Menora Mivtachim Group unlimited and irrevocable permission to do with said information / documents, at its sole discretion, whatever is required in order to achieve the legal goals for which the aforementioned information / documents were uploaded by you to the website, subject to the website's terms of use.


You hereby waive any claim and/or allegation against Menora Mivtachim Group regarding violation of property rights and/or privacy in connection with the aforementioned information / documents, except for cases where it has been proven that Menora Mivtachim Group has been negligent in fulfilling its obligations in accordance with the website's terms of use.


10. This site is not intended for minors and those who are not competent to perform binding legal actions.


Intellectual property:
11. The contents and all pages on the website are the exclusive property of Menora Mivtachim Group. It is prohibited to make changes, to copy, distribute, transmit, display, reproduce, publish, sell an item from the contents, products or services presented on this website, with the exception of retrieving data for personal use only.


12. The website, the contents included therein (including the products and services), the way in which they are presented and the trademarks therein are protected by the law of the protection of copyrights, trademarks and other proprietary rights. Also, the website as a whole is protected as a complete work. It is forbidden to take any action that may harm these proprietary rights.

13. It is forbidden to remove copyright marks that are placed on or within the website or to change them. It is absolutely forbidden to carry out reverse engineering, de-compilation and disassembly operations on the website. It is forbidden to rent, lease or lend any content from the website, and it is forbidden to bypass the protection measures.

14. The Group legally owns the right to use the contents, and nothing in your surfing the website, viewing the contents and/or using them, as far as possibly specified to you, should grant you rights of any kind and type whatsoever to the website and/or to the contents and/or to the trademarks displayed on it.

15. The name of the website, as well as the domain name of the website, are entirely the property of the Group only. It is forbidden to use them without obtaining its prior written consent.


Limitation of liability:
16. The website and all information included therein, the software on which the website is based, information and material accessed through the website, are provided and available to you "As Is". There is no suggestion, solicitation or advice or commitment on behalf of the Group for carrying out transactions with it and/or with any other party, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Before making any transaction, investment and assuming any financial liability based on the information found on the website, Menora Mivtachim Group recommends that you consult with a qualified professional advisor in the relevant field in order to receive personal advice suitable for you. Any use you would make of the content should be at your own risk.

17. The receipt of the services on the website and their quality depends on technological factors that are not always under the Group's control, such as the availability and integrity of the Internet network or the terminal equipment in your possession. Menora Mivtachim Group and/or anyone on its behalf are not liable for any damage (direct or indirect, aggravation, etc.) that may be caused to you or to someone on your behalf due to a defect or failure in the software that operates the website, due to access to the website, or due to delaying or canceling or terminating the services provided on the website.

18. Although Menora Mivtachim Group makes every effort in order to ensure the quality, reliability, integrity and level of accuracy and updating of the information on the website, it is still possible that the information presented on the website may contain disruptions and/or errors and/or inaccuracies. Menora Mivtachim Group and/or anyone on its behalf should not be liable for any damage and/or loss and/or expense and/or loss of profit that may be caused to you directly and/or indirectly due to the occurrences of such disruptions, and it does not offer you any representation regarding the advisability of using the contents.

19. In any case of a contradiction between the information presented on the website and the information found at the offices of Menora Mivtachim Group, the information found at the offices of Menora Mivtachim Group should be binding, and Menora Mivtachim Group should not be liable for any damage and/or loss and/or expenses that may be caused due to such a contradiction.

20. You hereby undertake to indemnify the Group and/or anyone on its behalf for any damage, loss, loss of profit, payment or deficit caused to it as a result of your violation of these terms of use.

21. The aforesaid does not detract from the liability of the parties in accordance with any law.


Links and content of third parties:
22. Menora Mivtachim Group and/or anyone on its behalf should not be liable for the information found on other websites or external websites that are linked to the website through a link or in any other way ("third party content"), including the liability for their privacy and information security policies, and it should not be liable for damages (direct or indirect) that might be incurred to you, if any, due to reliance on the information found on these websites or due to the use thereof. You should direct any claim related to the third party content (including terms and prices applicable to that third party content) to the relevant third party.

23. The Group does not guarantee that all links found on the website would be correct and would lead to an active website. The presence of a certain link on the website does not indicate that the content of the linked website is reliable, complete or up-to-date, and the Group should not bear any liability in this regard.


Information security and privacy:
24. Menora Mivtachim Group takes reasonable and acceptable security measures in order to protect your personal information. The above notwithstanding, there is a risk of intrusion into databases of Menora Mivtachim Group. Therefore, as long as Menora Mivtachim Group uses reasonable security measures, Menora Mivtachim Group should not be liable for any damage caused as a result of an unauthorized intrusion into the website and the transfer of personal information concerning you to any third party as a result of said unauthorized intrusion. Also, as a user of the website, you bear the responsibility to act for preventing the infiltration of viruses into your computer / software, and Menora Mivtachim Group is exempt from any liability in this matter that is your sole responsibility.

25. The username and password given to you for the purpose of accessing the website are for your personal use only, and you are strictly prohibited from transferring them to any third party without the prior written consent of Menora Mivtachim Group. It is your responsibility to take all reasonable measures to keep your username and password secret, and you are also responsible for any damage caused by the use of your username and password by an unauthorized party.

26. When you browse the website and use it, we can collect personal information about you and use it for the predefined purposes that are specified in our privacy and data security policy. You are under no legal obligation to provide us with personal information about yourself, but your refusal to do so may prevent us from providing you with certain products and services within the website. Our privacy policy is an integral part of these terms of use and we therefore recommend that you read it.

27. Whenever asked by the Group to provide details, you should provide only correct and accurate details. If you violate this provision, the Group should be entitled to delete your registration and/or not to provide you with services, without detracting from the Group's rights directed against you for such a violation.

28. If you use the website in a way that involves providing personal information about other persons, you must make sure that this is done after they have agreed to it and in accordance with whatever is stated in this document.


29. The Group cannot adjust the services and these terms of use to the laws of foreign countries. Any violation of the laws of a foreign country related to and/or resulting from the use of the content and/or the services on the website is the sole responsibility of the user, and the Group should not bear any liability in this regard.

30. The laws of the State of Israel should apply to the contents, products, services and use of the website, and the exclusive jurisdiction in all matters and disputes regarding the services on the website should be subject to the competent judicial court in the Tel Aviv district. In the event that it is determined that any clause of these terms of use is invalid or unenforceable, then the invalidated or unenforceable clauses should be deemed to have been replaced by valid and enforceable clauses whose content corresponds as closely as possible to the intent of the original clauses, while the remaining clauses in these terms of use should remain in effect.

31. Menora Mivtachim Group reserves the right to change and update the terms of use of the website and the privacy policy at any time. Such updates should be published on the website and should take binding effect immediately upon their publication on the website. and they should apply to all users of the website. Therefore, we recommend that you periodically check the relevant wording that appears on the website.

32. The Group reserves the right to change the content and/or products and/or services on the website, including adding content and/or products and/or services, suspending or terminating them, and it is entitled to change and/or improve content on the website or terminate the operation of the website at any time without prior notice.

33. The Menora Group publications required by the Securities Law and its regulations are available for viewing in the Internet system for announcements of the Stock Exchange - MAYA ("the Stock Exchange website"). In any case of error, contradiction or inconsistency between the information published on the Stock Exchange website and the relevant information appearing on this website, the information published on the Stock Exchange website should prevail.

34. With regard to all content appearing on the website - it is hereby clarified that whatever is stated in the masculine form has also equivalent meaning in the feminine form and that whatever is stated in the singular form has also equivalent meaning in the plural form. The division into sections is for convenience only and should not be used for interpretation purposes.

35. You can contact our customer service with any questions by calling *2000.


Have a pleasant browsing!