דלג לתוכן הדף
דלג לתוכן הדף

Privacy Policy

The information presented below is intended to help you as a customer of Menora Mivtachim Group (hereinafter: "the Group" or "Menora Mivtachim Group" or any address in the first person), to understand the types of information that we collect, the method of collection, the uses we make of the information and your rights regarding it, with the awareness that protecting the privacy and safeguarding the information is an important element in the relationship between us and you.

The Group or Menora Mivtachim Group includes Menora Mivtachim Holdings Ltd. and all the companies under its control, as they may be from time to time, including (but not excluding) Menora Mivtachim Insurance Ltd., Menora Mivtachim Pension and Gemel Ltd. and Menora Mivtachim and the Association of Engineers' Provident Funds Management Ltd.



We provide insurance and savings, pension and provident funds, finance and credit products (the "Services" and "Products"). In order to provide these services and products, we need some information about you.


The collection of information and its use are done in accordance with the Privacy Protection Law, 1981 ("Privacy Protection Law") and in accordance with the regulatory instructions that apply to us, such as instructions of the Supervisor of the Capital Market, Insurance and Savings.
This document is provided in addition to the privacy protection provisions mentioned in the documents relevant to the specific product that you have purchased (such as a certain insurance policy that you have purchased). In the event of a contradiction, the terms specified within the specific service, which you have signed up for, should prevail, so we recommend that you read the information we provide for you with regard to privacy protection.


There is no legal obligation to provide us with the information, but your refusal to do so may prevent us from providing you with certain services and products.


This Privacy Policy applies to information that personally identifies you. In the event that you give us information about other persons (such as employees, children and others who depend on you), you should make sure that they agree to this, and to what is stated in this document.
We are entitled to change and update the privacy policy from time to time. Such updates should be published on the website and should become binding immediately upon their publication on the website. Such changes should apply to you, so it is important that you keep up to date with them from time to time.


Types of information that we collect
Providing our services and products requires us to collect information of such types as:
•  Identification and contact details - full name, ID number and other identification numbers (vehicle number and driver's license number), date of birth, residential address, email address, telephone numbers, gender, marital status and information you provide for security purposes when participating in surveys or when contacting to our customer service.
•  Information regarding professional training - education, occupational background and membership in professional organizations.

•  Information regarding your location - including information about travel abroad.

•  Medical information - including information about disability, medications, injuries, medical treatments, results of medical tests, medical history.

•  Information about activity on our website - IP address, location, details of the end device used on the website and activity times.

•  Information about the end equipment you use - mobile phone model, operating system version and IP address.

•  Payment details and financial information - bank account number, income, credit card number and validity and information regarding credit rating.

•  Sound and image (video) recordings and photos of ID cards and documents and information derived from them.

•  Information that we are allowed to use in accordance with the law - such as information from governmental databases, information from credit offices, information from databases related to the insurance industry or pension savings.

•  Information related to our products and services.


How is the information collected?
•  When you provide us with information - by joining our services, by entering details on the website or in the application and in other systems, or by contacting our customer service.
•  Automatically when you use our website or applications - we use cookies and similar technologies such as tags and web beacons, including third party tools, to monitor your activity on our website. Monitoring your activity on the website helps us to optimize our services (for example, by identifying you when you re-enter the website), to adapt to your needs and to maintain the information security. Such information as IP address, duration of website visit, operating system version, browser type, etc. should be collected automatically by using the cookies. We are able to combine these data with additional information. You are able to stop the collection of information through cookies by changing the settings in your browser. If you block cookies, some services may not be available to you, or you may have to re-enter details.
•  Information received from third parties - third parties may transfer information to us, such as the Ministry of the Interior - the Population Registry (in accordance with the law), or other companies (in accordance with your consent or for the purpose of providing services to you). In addition, we will probably receive aggregated information from third parties with whom we collaborate.
•  Information that is received continuously - part of our policies are based on information received by us continuously and collected by various means such as the mobile phone device (for example, by running an application) or equipment of third parties. Additional details on the types of information, its collection methods and its uses can be found in the relevant specific documents related to each aforementioned policy.


The uses of information
We will use the information mainly for the purpose of providing our products and services, for the purpose of complying with the legal provisions and for the protection of our legitimate interests. In accordance with the provisions of the law, we may use the information for the following purposes:

Operational purposes 
Provision of services, adaptation of services to your needs, billing for the services, maintaining contact with you and others regarding our existing and new products and services, sending information that we are obligated to send and other useful information, handling the products that you have purchased from us (including handling the claims), managing, controlling and improving our systems, handling complaints and providing customer service, maintaining procedures and policies such as auditing books, information security, business continuity and recovery, keeping records and documents, producing statistical reports for third parties (including advanced analysis tools), conducting research, including market research and surveys, detection and prevention of theft, fraud and identifying illegal activity, verifying your identity and identifying you when you enter the services, handling review and correction requests, complying with legal requirements and providing information in accordance with judicial and governmental orders, protecting our legal rights and legitimate interests and those of others, including preventing fraud (which includes sharing information in the claims register that is accessible to other insurers), accounting, defending against lawsuits and enforcing agreements.


Marketing purposes 
Advertising of our products and services, provision of benefits, marketing and personalized mailing by us or on our behalf or advertising of  products and services by third parties that are provided in collaboration with us. In addition, we will enrich the content of our website by cross-referencing information found in the Group, by using cookies, automatic collection of information on the website and the use of databases of third parties which we are allowed to use in accordance with the law.

The information will also be used by us or someone on our behalf for sending advertisements and mailings, including those personally tailored to you, through the various media such as email, SMS, social networks and other channels. You are allowed to refuse to receive advertisements by email and SMS by contacting our customer service at *2000, by changing your preferences on the "Update details" page on the website, or by carrying out an action as specified within the body of the marketing request.

In certain cases, you can ask us to delete additional information, if it is not necessary for our current operation, for protecting our legitimate interests, for defending ourselves from lawsuits or for complying with the provisions of the law that are applicable to us.
Please note that even after sending such a request for refusal or deletion, we will continue to send you messages that the law allows us or requires us to send without your consent.


Purposes of research and information processing using advanced tools 
We or someone on our behalf may possibly process information using advanced analysis tools (big data) and combine it with other information, such as information published by the Central Bureau of Statistics. Processing with these tools enables making decisions in various fields based on information that does not identify you personally but is rather statistical and aggregated information, for example, models for calculating expected cancellations in the insurance portfolio.

Information generated as a result of this processing can and should be transferred to third parties while it is statistical and aggregated in such a way as not allowing you to be identified personally by exercising a reasonable effort.

For the purposes described in this section and other purposes, we would probably carry out anonymization and pseudonymization operations that would transform personal information into de-identified information or information that cannot be identified by exercising a reasonable effort.


Transfer of information to third parties
We may possibly transfer personal information about you to third parties while doing that for the realization of the purposes permitted to us in accordance with the provisions of the law, in accordance with your permission or in accordance with this privacy policy. When transferring information to a third party, we will take the necessary measures so that the recipient of the information will keep it as required in accordance with the type of transferred information. We may possibly transfer information (including abroad, and inter alia also to the USA and/or to other countries where the level of information protection is less than that established by Israeli law) to such third parties as:


Subcontractors and vendors - such as reinsurers, insurance agents, financial institutions, consultants, auditors and appraisers. Besides that, we may possibly transfer information to subcontractors such as outsourcing providers of our business activity, service centers, information systems, communication providers, cloud service providers, printing houses and mail distribution service providers and couriers, private researchers and translators.

Third parties - those providing us with content or website browsing behavior analysis services and other technologies. Some of these entities use cookies in accordance with their privacy policies, and not in accordance with this privacy policy.

•  Hotjar. For more details about the types of information transferred to this company and the uses made of the information, you can refer to its privacy policy at: https://www.hotjar.com/legal/policies/privacy

•  Google's privacy policy regarding cookies: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en 
•  Facebook's privacy policy regarding cookies: https://facebook.com/policy.php

•  Twitter's privacy policy regarding cookies: https://twitter.com/en/privacy


Third parties that may exercise their efforts to obtain personal information about you, or to whom you have agreed to transfer the information in another way.

Entities to which the transfer of information is required in accordance with a legal obligation or authority or in accordance with the order of a competent authority.
Sale of business - subject to the provisions of the law, we may transfer information as part of the sale of our business (all or part of it), including during negotiations for the aforementioned sale, and as part of a reorganization, merger, joint ventures and other transactions in connection with our business. The recipient of the information in such a case should be subject to the restrictions on the use of the information that apply to us.

The Group's companies - subject to your consent, we may transfer information to the Menora Group's companies and between them for the purpose of offers and benefits regarding their products, including those that are customized for your needs.
Please note, if you ask one company in the Group to update details, we should be entitled to update the details in the other Group's companies as well.

Transferring information to the interface for locating insurance products ("The Insurance Mountain"):

The Capital Market Authority has a secure website that would allow you to view your insurance products in a centralized manner across all insurance companies in Israel, based on data that we will transfer to them. If you do not want us to transfer the data, you should contact our company at the email address Har.bit@menora.co.il . For your information - failure to transfer the data would prevent you from viewing your insurance products from all insurance companies in Israel in a centralized manner on the secure website.


Right of review and correction
You have the right to review the information (as defined in section 7 of the Privacy Protection Law) that is in our possession by submitting a written request. Being requested, we should take measures in order to identify you. If the information about you in our possession is incorrect, you can request it to be corrected or deleted in the manner described above.


Information security
We are taking adequate information security measures for the information in our possession in accordance with the laws and instructions that apply to us.
For example, we are using advanced secure environment technology. The server of Menora Mivtachim Group is not directly connected to the Internet but is isolated from it through several layers of protection, there is constant supervision and control over all communications that begin or end in our Internet connection, and we use encryption mechanisms.
At the same time, there is still a danger of unauthorized penetration or prohibited use of information by an unauthorized third party.
We should not be liable to you for any damage caused, to the extent that it may be caused, in cases of disclosure and use of the above information resulting from unauthorized intrusions by other parties, as long as we take reasonable information security measures.
In order to increase information security, you must also take appropriate security measures, such as:
•  Using active and updated anti-virus software.
•  Being aware of fake emails and online fraud ("phishing") - fake emails are messages sent supposedly from Menora Insurance Group asking the recipient of the message to enter the website using a link provided in the message and provide or update his personal data detailing the reasons why the update is required (e.g. : security reasons, upgrading systems, etc.).
•  Being aware that the link in the aforementioned message can be an exact imitation of the official website of Menora Mivtachim Group from which the message was supposedly sent. In this way, foreign parties try to illegally obtain your personal data in order to access your account on the website. For your information, under no circumstances will we contact you by email and ask you to update your personal details, therefore do not respond to a request to update details received via email.
•  Downloading software from official websites, avoiding using public computers or public WIFI networks, avoiding sharing sensitive information on social networks.
•  In any case of concern that information about you has reached an unauthorized third party or if you have received an email and/or text message about exchanging personal details that you did not do yourself, contact our customer service immediately by phone *2000 or by email: cyber@menoramivt.co.il .


Applicable law
While you are staying abroad, it may be possible that the laws of the place of your stay may also apply to you. In addition, there are situations in which some of our services are provided to you through providers located abroad. The transfer of information about you outside the borders of Israel will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Israeli law, but the law of the country where it is stored and processed will also apply to such information.


Contact information
You can contact our customer service with any questions by calling *2000.